Female "ÖCH, ÖJCH, SJCH, FCI World Junior Winner Females 2009 Famous Fay Blue Tattoo Outback Maverick" (Fay)
VDH Jgd.Ch. VDH EJS 2008 VDH BJS 2008 Tom of the Seven Hills Country (Ch. Turrella Blue Montana x Ch. DeeDee of the Seven Hills Country)
Turrella Rose Tattoo (Aus/US Ch. Turrella Blue Chiefscout x Turrella Red Brandysnap)
October 2009:
BH Prüfung + BGH1
Ausstellungskennzeichen V1
Österreichischer Champion
FCI World Junior Winner Females 2009
Österreichischer Jugend Champion Slovakischer Jugendchampion Middle East European Junior Winner 2010
PRA obligate A
ED 0/0
BEAR tested bilateral hearing
correct Sissorbite - P4 unten links
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