SCHH III IPO III (Vice WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP 1996 Manto from Kahlenbach x Jil Brandachschneise)
6. April 1995 - 9. June 2008
Andor my friend, my mountain and sports partner. I'll never forget!
When I look back through the years, I only knew Andor to be an above-average assesed German Shepherd dog. His motivation for days, are rarely to be found, with the greatest heat, bad weather and at his age performed better than most . His fast, powerful dedicated guard work were incredible, and it was a joy because of his obedience and enormous accomplishment. I passed through him with infinite walks his obedience and his kindness to other hikers and mountain tours, where his positive energy was always admired.
Looking back, I say, the years with Andor were some of the best of my life.