Elbow dysplasia
The elbow dysplasia (ED) is a chronic disease complex extending from the elbow joint, fast-growing breeds. The ED is an inherited disorder of the growing skeleton dar. High body mass growth and feeding errors are more favorable (predisposing) factors. The ED begins in the late growth phase in the four to eight-month-old pups with painful change in the joint and the bone forming joint parts (Osteathrose) with lameness. The range of motion of the elbow joint is restricted. Early signs are stiffness in the morning or after rest. The disease progresses lifelong and is not curable, a substantial degree of pain can be achieved in many cases.
According to the International Elbow Working Group, the ED is divided depending on the extent of the disease in three clinical stages. Here, only the severity of osteoarthritis of the extent of new bone (Osteopyhten) is assessed. The incidence of specific lesions (FCP, IPA, OCD) is merely noted but not used for classification:
Severity criteria
Grade 0: normal no osteophytes or sclerosis
Grade I: Mild osteoarthritis osteophytes less than 2 mm or sclerosis of the articular surface (trochlear notch) of the ulna
Grade II: Moderate osteoarthritis osteophytes 2-5 mm in size
Grade III: Severe osteoarthritis osteophytes larger than 5 mm
The elbow dysplasia (ED) is a chronic disease complex extending from the elbow joint, fast-growing breeds. The ED is an inherited disorder of the growing skeleton dar. High body mass growth and feeding errors are more favorable (predisposing) factors. The ED begins in the late growth phase in the four to eight-month-old pups with painful change in the joint and the bone forming joint parts (Osteathrose) with lameness. The range of motion of the elbow joint is restricted. Early signs are stiffness in the morning or after rest. The disease progresses lifelong and is not curable, a substantial degree of pain can be achieved in many cases.
According to the International Elbow Working Group, the ED is divided depending on the extent of the disease in three clinical stages. Here, only the severity of osteoarthritis of the extent of new bone (Osteopyhten) is assessed. The incidence of specific lesions (FCP, IPA, OCD) is merely noted but not used for classification:
Severity criteria
Grade 0: normal no osteophytes or sclerosis
Grade I: Mild osteoarthritis osteophytes less than 2 mm or sclerosis of the articular surface (trochlear notch) of the ulna
Grade II: Moderate osteoarthritis osteophytes 2-5 mm in size
Grade III: Severe osteoarthritis osteophytes larger than 5 mm
All our breeding dogs are x-rayd ED, they are ED 0/0 also clear!