BEAR Test L-litters

Veröffentlicht von Administrator (admin) am 19.12.2011
News >> english
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Today we have BEAR Test!

The result is as fancy as I had expected, five puppies are bilateral hearing doubt, Leticia is right deaf. There have been asking a lot of people around Leticia, but they all exhibit ambitions, as Leticia has survived just barely birth to serious complications, and had thereby leave a portion of its tail, I wanted she so selling as is so only as a family dog. Confirmed by the hearing of my suspicion is that Leticia only hear one side, the situation is clear, that people only use them for the exhibition neither report nor discipline have as objectives.

When Lysander we still have the same system of permanent teeth X-rayed, all teeth are present, Lysander will be so with full dentition, I like to send request to the finding and the X-ray images.

Zuletzt geändert am: 08.03.2023 um 17:56

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