Great Showresults on IHA Wels! |
Veröffentlicht von Administrator (admin) am 04.12.2011 |
News >> english |
We were both very successful days at the IHA Wels!
There were once two very successful days, we were represented by Electra, Cobain, Heliane and Isobel. Cobain, despite very little substance on Saturday to win the CACIB on Sunday there was a V1. Electra was obviously hit hard again on Saturday V1 CAC CACIB on Sundayshe made also BOB in a very high quality competition. Heliane could win on Saturday only Sg because she was not very enthusiastic about showing in the ring on Sunday seh won V 2. I am particularly looking for Isobel, Isobel is a real workingdog and was actually just bought it, she is the mistress of 100 mountain sheep and spent the whole summer traveling in the mountains in the Tirol. The owner just wanted to see it as an exhibition so I was thrilled by the dog, complete dentition with very good movement, which was honnoriert by the judges as well. On Saturday there wereV 2 and Sunday seh made Sg 3 to train the dog properly with the request because it is a winner. It was another great weekend with beautiful dogs and very dear friends from Germany.
Zuletzt geändert am: 08.03.2023 um 17:56
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