Hortensia and Elektra great show success! |
Veröffentlicht von Administrator (admin) am 25.06.2011 |
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Hortensia at her first show at the Nat.CAC Aaarau: VP1 youngestwinner 3. Place in the main ring!
Our incredible series on the shows goes on, now is also Hortensia got into the show and has the same action on its first show of the third Place in the main ring is reached, the dogs of the H-litter are unstoppable, but Elektra's winning streak does not stop on the IHA Klagenfurt they could on Saturday V1 CACA and CACIB win, where she is one of the best females in the moment in Showrring are left behind, and on Sunday there were still times V1 and CACA and res. CACIB. Many thanks to Sylvia and Kletus have presented my offspring so perfect.
Zuletzt geändert am: 08.03.2023 um 17:56
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