Show and sport successes of Teufelsjochdogs!

Veröffentlicht von Administrator (admin) am 15.04.2012
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Kyron reached two days Mlodziez Poland Youth Winner, BOB Junior and Best of Breed!

IHA Wieselburg

Lestat Promising

Electra V1 CAC CACIB Electra is International Champion!

Heliane V1 CAC res. CACIB Heliane is Austrian Junior Champion!

A very successful weekend is behind us, Kyron was unbeatable in Poland and won BOB both days, and the remaining Teufelsjochhunde could assert itself in a very nice strong foreign competition and bring back home new titles. Lestat was still in the ring of honor among the top six dogs, a great success on his first show in Austria! Our sweet Heliane is now also Austrian Junior Champion and was even the res. CACIB win.

Flying Amy was successful in BGH 2 and reached her first start at the same 90 points and a very good.


Eowyn, today announced its first tournament (1.Jahresmeisterlauf) passed with flying colors. From 53 starters, she is in the A-run 16th and 12th in the jumping become! With only one mistake! We congratulate!

Zuletzt geändert am: 08.03.2023 um 17:56

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